
crashfornintendoswitch| Investment saga never ends: Buffett looks forward to meeting again next year's shareholders 'meeting


crashfornintendoswitch| Investment saga never ends: Buffett looks forward to meeting again next year's shareholders 'meeting

editor editor 发表于2024-05-05 浏览7 评论0
专题:巴菲特2024年股东大会重磅来袭  本文源自:金融界  在伯克希尔·哈撒韦公司备受瞩目的年度股东大会接近尾声时,传奇投资者沃伦·巴菲特以crashfornintendoswitch他特有的幽默和机智,为这场盛会画上了一个圆满的句号。巴菲特以一段既风趣又深情的告...
bwinfreespins| Buffett: Will not seek stock investment advice from his wife and children


bwinfreespins| Buffett: Will not seek stock investment advice from his wife and children

editor editor 发表于2024-05-05 浏览8 评论0
专题:巴菲特2024年股东大会重磅来袭  在伯克希尔股东会上回答提问时,巴菲特表示,虽然自己完全信任自己的小孩和妻子,但是不代表bwinfreespins我会向他们寻求股票投资建议。  巴菲特称,自己的小孩和妻子在这么多年也变得越来越聪明,有的时候自己会听他们(特别...
riverbankbingo| If I had the chance to spend another day with Munger, what would I do? Buffett responds


riverbankbingo| If I had the chance to spend another day with Munger, what would I do? Buffett responds

editor editor 发表于2024-05-05 浏览3 评论0
专题:正直播:巴菲特2024年股东大会重磅来袭  巴菲特称riverbankbingo,他和芒格每天都在做令自己开心的事情。芒格很喜欢学习,他对好多事情感兴趣,他兴趣比我广,我们俩在一起志趣相投,在一起度过的时间比独处开心:“我们的乐趣还在于一起犯错误,一起改正错误、...